random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Saturday 6 August 2016

giorno 48 - milano

we have to be in milan at 8:30am on this saturday morning
the promise of a 20 minute train trip from cislago to be tested
a longer walk than expected to the station and we miss our train
30 minutes later we on a very comfortable train bound for milan
we arrive at milan cadorna station with about 8 minutes to spare
our appointment is at the thankfully nearby basilica di santa maria
2 years ago we were in milan and missed out on the last supper
bookings very much needed in advance - this time we have them
a brisk walk is rewarded with admittance to the 8:30 holding area
viewing of michaelangelo's most famous work is well controlled
30 people at a time pass through various air-locks before the chapel
inside it is cool, dim, quiet and reverential - and up there we see it
it takes a few minutes of solid staring to connect with this painting
but then a rush of references ensure a comprehension of it's relevance
not only the religious meaning but also the deep historical significance
yes - the da vinci code has made it a hot-ticket item but that is transient
as with so much other artwork seen in italy this piece transgresses fashion
fearing for eviction every moment in the chapel is spent with eyes fixed
soon enough a voice announces 'exit please' and we move into reality
naturally that first takes the shape of a shop offering relevant items
which seems a bit crass to me but welcome to the real world - pass
yay - one down and one to go - we are making up for past misses
we walk to the duomo and when we see it - ah it's good to be back
in 2014 we visited the duomo but had no idea about the terraces
surprisingly this morning it is quiet and we are straight into the lift
up we go to emerge on the roof (the terraces) of this great building
words cannot describe the sheer magnificence of what surrounds us
a maze of buttresses, statues, walkways, landings and roof-tops
all done in finely carved stone and marble - the detail is incredible
the structure is such that it must have been first micro-designed
every tiny piece perfectly placed to form an overwhelming whole
it is a totally humbling experience to be in this place at this time
up on the highest roof the views are stunning here and beyond
we see vertically challenged columns topped with exquisite statues
lace-like stone work on walls and barriers defy their construction
and the views to snow-capped mountains and blue skies cap it off
this place has to be ranked as one of the wonders of the (my) world
but wait - there's more - we descend the staircase to enter the basilica
upside - bright and white - inside - dull and grey - but intentionally so
the sunlight glows through the huge panels of stained glass windows
we walk around the huge interior and are overwhelmed once again
one of those places where repeat visits are tempting and rewarding
back into daylight and we pass through the beautiful shopping centre
it's arched entrances, marble floors and high glassed roof entrancing
out the other side we pick an outdoor restaurant for a fine lunch
then agree to split - girls go shopping, boy goes to an art gallery
maurits cornelis escher - the famous mathematically inspired artist
the dumo museo is hosting an exhibition of many of his works
and totally absorbing too - lots of text and audioguide content
metamorphosis 2 is there in all it's glory - his most famous piece
a couple of hours easily spent before the pre-arranged rendezvous
hmmm - a large suitcase has been bought - requiring transporting
a push to the scali bar for a beer and then a decision to join a tram
number 1 offers a round-city excursion of which we do one half
we feel mission is accomplished (both of them) so head home
back on the excellent train system and a return to cislago
it's around 6pm when we get home on this great evening
and a decision to make the most of it - lago como calls
we find the goodies for a picnic and drive north to the lake
a busy town but we snag a park at lakeside and set up our nicpic
as the sun sets and moon rises we eat, drink and chat furiously
in a rare public space beside a large fountain just out of town
totally enjoyable too but night creeps in and so a return home
a relatively early night then had at the end of an incredible day...