random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Thursday 11 August 2016

giorno 53 - paduva - bologna - siena - torrita tiberina

a big day of travel today - our northern italy trip is over
we have to cover close to 500km to get back to home base
we pack, fire up the toy-motor and slip out of padua at 10am
the first planned stop is at bologna 120km to the south-west
reached with an easy trip on the fine italian autostrade system
we have one point-of-interest only for our brief visit to bologna
the car left in a supermarket car park and we hike for 15 minutes
destination - piazza maggiore otherwise known as bologna central
memories of a trip some 10 years prior rush upon entering this place
also a brief visit and as then there's a strong feeling of disconnection
the imposing (and unfinished) san petronio basilica dominates here
some scaffolding and seating for an outdoor cinema clutter the piazza
as does security fencing leading up to the basilica - it's all quite ugly
inside the scale is grand but it is also quite sterile - st peter's it is not
the scowling of the not-seen-before photography guard is negative
so a quick walk around is taken and out of there to find our target
easily done too at the neighbouring archiginnasio of bologna
within this ancient university is the famous anatomical theatre
known by us thanks to the documentary series 'italy unpacked'
a modestly sized all-wood room where early surgery was taught
a marble-slab table at centre used for dissection of human bodies
unique wooden 'skinless' statues on either side of the raised lecturn
with other busts and statues including apollo - the god of knowledge
the room has been rebuilt after allied bombing destroyed it in 1945
it does seem sightly less than totally authentic but good to finally see
a brief walk around the hallowed passages of the university is taken
and then a much needed and very strong coffee shakarato is enjoyed
followed by a walk to our waiting car along bologna's famous porticos
we then head to siena - a couple of hours and 175km directly south
driven partly on the autostrade but mostly on a 2 lane slot-car track
it's a fast and fun drive leading to a steady climb up to the town
we ditch the car and walk along a long road between tall buildings
a string of 4 or 5 levelled houses with small shops at ground level
there are a lot of pedestrians in both directions - tourists we guess
and then the road opens onto a large and sloping circular piazza
strange - there's a dusty pathway on the outside edge being hosed
scaffolded seating set up behind at various points - what is this?
google to the rescue - palio di siena - a world famous horse race
due to be run in a few days so preparations are well underway
we stumble around looking desperately for a late-lunch venue
that provided by a small cafe off the beaten track (literally)
strange town - tall grey buildings and narrow lanes dominate
more time is needed here but not today - we retrace our steps
past a set of buildings in grounds surrounded by a high fence
a sign spotted - ospedale psichiatrico - a film comes to mind
one flew over the cuckoo's nest - it's all a bit unsettling really
unfairly another town that has been difficult to connect with
back in the car we cruise down and out of this quite large town
the final stretch to home is 200km mostly on the a1 autostrade
and around 8pm we finally arrive at home base - torrita tiberina
it's been a great trip of 10 days to the north of italy - now - rest...