random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Saturday 29 September 2007

adi-talam (south india)

late night sunday seems an appropriate time
to mention another of the 50 music styles currently under investigation
quoting songlines magazine about the traditional indian style of adi-talam
south indian rhythms are not for the arithmetically challenged
their sheer mental agility, once you follow it, thrills as much as the playing techniques
just try drumming fives and sevens while speaking syllables in the basic adi talam cycle of eight
solos are more important than in the north, centred on a vast repertoire of short compositions
the double ended mridangam is the principle drum
spectacularly supported by the big clay pot, ghatam
and the tambourine-like kanjira
i did a youtube search for the recommended artist named vikku vanayakram
and came up with some interesting and rather esoteric pieces
that totally reminded me of late night at womadelaide after a full day's music
it has become a tradition for me there to search out what turns out to be this style
lay on the grass in the warm night in the adelaide botanic gardens
completely sated on a day of stunning music, healthy food and usually a red wine or 2
and then let this trance-like music complete the transition to sleep-time
the short piece included here has a number of interesting components
it is performed by the afore-mentioned adi-talam master vikku vanayakram
here he is playing the ghatam - the clay-pot instrument also mentioned by songlines
the tune is titled vande mataram which is the national song of india
and this very small and nationalistic excerpt has a sponsor's message at the end
that i suspect is meant seriously but provides a giggle anyway
(1 of 50)

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