random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Sunday 27 January 2008

tango (argentina)

been looking forward to digging a little bit on this one
at least for a change a musical style that has a familiar name
another one in the list of 50 rhythms documented by songlines magazine
here's what they had to say about tango in their article

the dance groove of buenos aires lowlifers
was given glamour
by carlos gardel and virtuosity by bandoneon supremo anibal troilo
but is was bespectacled pianist osvaldo pugliese
who emphasised the strident beat
of the dos por cuatro (or 2/4)
as argentinians call tango

his 60-odd year career bridged the golden age
and the evolutionary explorations of astor piazzolla

last year beunos aires tangueros dedicated the whole year to pugliese
born 1905 died 1995

my big interest in tango stems from a french-argentinian group
that i own a few cd's of and have listened to repeatedly
they were one of the headline acts at womadelaide last year
the gotan project owe a lot to tango (not least their name)
their trademark sound also comes from the bandoneon
though at least live there is only 1 on stage
unlike the following clip recorded in 1985
showing osvaldo pugliese at the piano
the man credited with keeping tango alive
and carrying it forward for future generations
this concert was recorded in buenos aires
with no less than 10 bandoneon players on stage
(44 of 50)

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