sometimes things just happen that you have to go with
on this day my father suggested a drive out to the local airport
which is mostly used to house an aviation museum
a lot of the locals are keen aviators and work there volunteerily
over the easter weekend warbirds over wanaka is on again
a bi-annual airshow featuring planes from various wars
it's become a big international event drawing huge crowds
the local airport serves as a handy stopover/refueling point
3 harvard aircraft had stopped by overnight en route
and were due to take off and continue south at a certain time
our plan was to simply head out there and take a look
would be the closest we would get to warbirds over wanaka
the price of fuel and the hassles of traffic crowds and otherwise
diminished the appeal for this year - who knows about 2010?
as we leisurely strolled around inspecting the harvards
a light plane cruised into view and was parked alongside
thereby providing a photo opportunity for the proud owner
myself and my father were drawn to the sight of this plane
for whatever reason it was very eye-catching
and so a conversation was struck up with owner/pilot michael
turns out he had something in common with my father
had gone through the same pilot's training in the 1950's
so he was very happy to tell us about his pride and joy
an italian built plane called a pioneer 300 model hawk
the surprising thing about this plane is that it is not a plane
it is officially classified as a micro-light aircraft
which means all sorts of rules and regulations are bypassed
e.g. anyone with a car licence can legally fly the thing
as we oohed and aahed at the beauty of this big man's toy
...(or should that be this man's big toy?)
michael said quite candidly - would you like a flight?
no hesitation, no shyness, no doubt there and offer accepted
so off they went as i watched on with delight
some other very interesting details of this vehicle
...powered by a motor used also on bmw motorcycles
...runs on normal car fuel and quite economical speed of a healthy 180kph
...entirely retractable undercarriage and in-built gps system
...twin controls for the sharing of flying duties
...long range (3,000km from memory)
...engine service required only every 1,500 hours
after the half-hour flight we learnt more about michael
turns out he is a retired commercial pilot
last flew large boeing 767 aircraft
had all but given away flying as a career or hobby
then saw this aircraft on display at an air show
as with us was very impressed at first sight
unlike us had the money to pursue his interest further
ordered a plane with a few more extras including the gps
parted with $250,000 and has not looked back since
he has clocked up over 200 hours in the air in 6 months
largely it seems taking interested people on joy flights
seems like a great way to pass retirement
shame about the carbon footprint
i'll wait for the electric version
dream on