random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Tuesday 27 May 2008

lars and the real girl

i had been aware of this one for a while
something about a bloke with a life-sized doll
kind of takes over his mind and life
so first impressions were that a light comedy was in store
there's a few laughs at the start pre-arrival of the doll
as lars is presented as determindly single, shy and alone
he lives in the garage of a house he co-owns with brother gus
they having inherited it jointly from their father
he having raised the boys alone after the death of their mother
gus has a sweet wife karin who is expecting their first child
she is particularly fond of lars and tries to connect with him
lars has a regular job sharing a cubicle in an office
his co-worker stumbles on a porn site with a difference
this one offering full size dolls intended for more than company
before long lars takes ownership of the beautiful bianca
which is where the film really kicks in dramatically
for lars sees her as real and treats her with respect
his family, friends and workmates are soon with him
as the town psychiatrist has advised caution
she recognises the deep problems in his mind
seems his mother died when giving birth to lars
his father led a heart-broken life until his death
and his brother ran off as soon as he could
so the film has quietly moved on from light comedy
we see lars and bianca in various roles and situations
at the dinner table, at the hairdresser, on a picnic, etc
and unbelievably i was with everyone else and seeing her as real
so some great acting and directing successfully allowing the leap
and therefore a foresight into the mind of lars
as he imagines life with the perfect partner
this film has had some rave reviews
the first part had me unwilling to give over to it
but then i was totally engrossed and seeing the truth
that anyone can be affected by external circumstances
then possibly triggering mental illness or instability
when it strikes community support is most important
which provides the feelgood factor in this film
as the whole town it seems rallies to the cause
the conclusion of the film is not unexpected
but nonetheless it does wrap things nicely
leaving the audience to ponder the power of this film
another low-budget film from small town america
seems american modern day introspection is now a genre
striking a chord with film audiences
this film is not for everyone
but i got a lot from it
thought provoking
and very enjoyable