random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Saturday 7 June 2008


the writeup on this outfit promised for an interesting show
a trio consisting of double bass noise-maker mike majkowski
the legendary and relatively reclusive chris abrahams on piano
and a unheard of and therefore unheard jon rose on violins
i had no real idea what to expect from this eclectic combination
certainly not what came forth as they started their performance
a very light, fast-moving, violin-dominated sound
jon rose all over his instrument showing great skill
difficult to pin it but a kind of very lucid gypsy-ish sound
but unfair to even attempt to attach reference points
it took a few minutes to tune into the sound
there's a double bass on stage but no real bass sound
mike majkowski instead using his bow to great effect
drawing out harmonising or contrasting sounds
these 2 dominating both sight and sound
a mental reminder required of the chap on keyboards
chris abrahams almost superfluous but adding textures
tinkering away in trademark style at top and bottom
there's no sheet music in sight anywhere on stage
so these guys are either very well rehearsed
or else winging it with some fine improvisation
the lack of structure to the music would suggest the later
which is just fine by me when in the hands of supreme musicians
mike majkowski continues to astound with each performance
for me his technical skills on his instrument are unquestioned
his ability to find and add extra sounds continues to impress
but his reading of the moment is now his strength
able to adapt so easily to each combination he performs with
in this case keeping away from the bottom end sounds
and instead pulling an array of compatible noises
allowing jon rose's violin to rightly dominate their sound
and possibly encouraging his companion to also stretch it
chris abrahams effectively playing second fiddle (ahem)
his mere presence though providing an inspiration factor
his unique piano sounds there but lost in the mix somehow
possibly because i was seated on the opposite side of the room
this trio produced a sound i have never experienced live
i couldn't help thinking it may well be close to classical
closing the eyes an concentrating on the sound confirmed this
an immediate reminder of an obtuse form of classical music
that without melody or form but still in that genre's realm
at other times it was easy to imagine a future for this outfit
providing unique and totally original soundtrack music
cartoons, horror films, thrillers, sci-fi - anything really
3 long tunes made up the set and each received warmly
jon rose seemingly surprised at this positive reaction
as though he himself thought his music was too obscure
but not so - more a case of further confirmation of diversity
if the musicians are willing and the audience is open-eared
then in skilled hands such as these anything is possible
further proof that contemporary music is alive
just waiting for a larger audience
which will benefit all concerned
tonight being a fine example