random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Tuesday 19 May 2009

constant in opal

ok - more of the church - best band in the world part 4
my own humble opinion of course but not alone at all there
5 star reviews rolling in consistently for their latest and greatest
so the stars have finally aligned to give this band deserved plaudits
if it wasn't for barack obama you'd hardly believe it was possible
but his election shows to go that good things can still happen
that despite all the bullshit, resentment and apathy
there's still the hope that mediocrity can be overcome
i've been hanging on to this band through thuck and thin
first encountered them way back in 1982 - ancient history
loved them from the first note of the first tune of their second album
an affinity to their sound, attitude, originality and consistency
that being an inate ability to connect to another dimension
they standing between us and a realm we can only dream of
a connection to another place beyond our mundane lives
music being that which provides the means to escape
the church holding that door open and waving us through
constant in opal - typical kilbey-esque word-playing
this tune from an ep released way back in 1984
did they know back then it would take 25 years
doubt it - but shrug - it not matter at all
for me they have provided inspiration
what is that popular expression again?
integrity, integrity, integrity
thanks chasps - love your work