part 1 of a 2 part presentation of improvised music tonight
sima regularly putting on such shows at the sound lounge
3ofmillions are on first and surprisingly in front of a full house
which to me speaks volumes for the reputation they are forging
adrian klumpes on keyboards and gadgets a prolific composer
able cross on acoustic electric bass an eclectic performer
finn ryan on drums and percussion with talent to spare
at 17 (maybe now 18) he is primed for an exciting future
another front row seat is made available at start time
which means as it should be this is a visual and aural treat
in the first of 3 long tunes adrian klumpes is piano bound
the bank of gadgets ignored as the c7 demands attention
mostly rapid-fire playing with both hands used in unison
the love of playing clear on his downward concentrated face
though also clear admiration for his bandmates as they solo
finn ryan with an erect, fluid, hard-hitting confident style
long drum sticks flaying over cymbals his favourite sound
able cross in charge of a beautiful acoustic-electric bass
at times sounding like and played like a standard guitar
but always capable of providing seriously deep bass sounds
or warped through his effects boxes to sound entirely different
one impressive sound to live-loop a heavily distorted fuzzy riff
this the signal for the 3 of them to let fly with all in action
before dropping back to the lightest of touches from each
and a timely winding up of this totally unique piece of music
me sitting there thinking how absolutely relevant this all is
improvisation in the right (expert) hands is very exhilarating
and definitely to be savoured visually as much as aurally
2 more tunes of genre-defining glory with variety galore
one featuring some beautiful bass/keyboard harmonies
a momentary lapse in attack confirming anything goes
another laugh-out-loud moment provided by finn ryan
deliberately emptying a bag of goods from head height
shakers, sticks, bells, objects crashing through his kit
and not an eye-blink from him or his musical peers
a quick glance around to confirm an entranced audience
it's all over too soon and then some words of thanks
adrian klumpes taking the time for introductions
completing the fine performance most graciously
setting it nicely for part 2 of tonights show...