random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Tuesday 5 May 2015

it follows

horror - not my favourite genre - but let's push the envelope
this one coming highly rated and reviewed - and in nziff 2014
missed it then - scheduling issues - or more likely - wimped out
me alone in a small-ish theatre - good - no-one to see me cringing
opening scene - a shot down a suburban street and then pan right
a teenage girl emerges and runs down the street screaming hysterically
great - straight into it - not even a slow buildup - could be a long haul
that seems to be some sort of prologue as then it's suburban bliss
another teenage girl in a backyard pool - and the director has fun
creepy music plays, kids pop up over fences, but nothing sinister
then inside the house she is seen hanging out with her friends
nothing weird about this except a dated tv - so set in the 70s?
jay has a date that evening at a movie with a new boyfriend
they seen inside the theatre and then he suddenly freaks out
seems there is a person/thing in the theatre that only he can see
he calms jay over dinner and eventually seduces her in his car
then knocks her out with a chemical-soaked rag to her mouth
charming - she wakes up tied to a chair in a derelict building
and he explains - you will be followed - i have passed it to you
it will find you - it is slow - always have a clear exit - have sex
for that is the only way to get rid of it - pass it to someone else
oh - if it touches you it will kill you and then come back for me
right - got it - loose sex is way bad - and right on cue it shows up
half naked, zombie-like woman gets as close as we can cope with
our man hugh drags jay away and deposits her back at her home
seen in a state of shock giving the unlikely details to the police
her friends however are sympathetic particularly nerdish paul
they gather around and provide constant company for jay
but there's no stopping 'it' - seen in various ghoulish forms
heeding hugh's advice there's always an escape - briefly
it shows up at school and at a beach retreat - in daylight
which i am thankful for - we and jay can see it coming
in a mad escape from the beach jay badly crashes a car
and in hospital recovering is seduced by an ex-boyfriend
relief - he now has to cope with it but 'it' finds and kills him
uh-oh - lookout jay - the gang sets up in an abandoned hotel
they lay a trap - a pool and electrical equipment on standby
jay in the pool - looks like they are going to try to fry it
it shows up and the big finale at poolside quite well done
though 'it' seems to be in the form of jay's father - go figure
they win out and with relief jay agrees to sleep with paul
he then seen in turn picking up a prostitute - for insurance
jay and paul then seen hand-in-hand walking down a street
the end - but - uh-oh - a strange person in the distance
yep - sequel material - it follows 2 - perfect marketing
thankfully not slasher horror - more like psycho horror
looking past the obvious - one mistake could ruin you
also a premonition of the demise of western society?
abandoned and delapidated urban detroit often seen
that as a backdrop making this film quite engrossing
worth the effort really - quite a gutsy little indie film