random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Wednesday 29 July 2015

blick bassy - ako

blick bassy - a new name to me but glad i checked him out
coinciding with the release of this album and so a few reviews read
the guardian (uk) offering a short paragraph in high praise of the record
a short but beautifully realised gem from an innovative paris label
that label being no format! - best described as the ecm of african music
at least in terms of artistic consistency as seen on the label's website
the guardian review speaking of an ethereal voice, cellos, trombones
and homage to and commonality with american blues singer skip james
'nuff said - hit up google play for a sample and it's love at first note
the album opener just exquisite and onto the radio show playlist
ake - it sounds like a plucked cello, harmonia and the ethereal voice
some beautiful vocal harmonies in the mix also on this most gentle tune
his voice is the african component to a stunning minimalist blues/folk feel
kiki picks up the pace and a trombone and banjo also added to the mix
the striking thing is it sounds so unique - bluegrass/jazz/soul/african
exciting really with a sense that a whole new genre has been found
big call of course but the next tune - wap do wap - is also unique
a jazzed up double bass leading to an infectious sing-a-long tune
with harmonising trombones and tuned out strings in the mix
another short sharp blast of music all over in a couple of minutes
and so it goes - each track stunningly produced and oozing - love
who is this man - born in 1974 in cameroon but now lives in france
in a small village after spending time in brazil studying bossa nova
snatches of information thrown up by google but nothing on wiki
most references are to this album - wildly eclectic tunes - agreed
his own website providing a compelling introduction to the man
yikes - he one of 21 brothers and sisters - his father had 3 wives
childhood devoted to music and choirs made up of the full family
his want now to live in a small rural village to match his upbringing
a devotion to bassa the main ethnic language of his home country
further listening and 'voice as instrument' easily comes to mind
a lazy way of describing vocals in a foreign language no doubt
but here blick bassy does use his voice apart from singing words
ceu jorge comes to mind also both vocally and instrumentally
but the main influence according to the experts is skip james
blues delta singer from mississippi born 1902 and died 1969
revered by blick bassy alongside marvin gaye and nina simone
which provides a bit of a handle on his love of singing and songs
what a gorgeous album - 11 tracks - average length under 3 minutes
me - hooked (obviously) and very happy to make his acquaintance
so good to stumble on a genuine and unique talent in their early days
this the 3rd album for blick bassy but surely many more to follow
his touring schedule suggesting he is a prolific live performer
mostly in his adopted country of france but maybe womad?
we shall see but in the meantime repeat listening it is...