random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Friday 8 January 2016

the revenant

leonardo dicaprio's bid for an oscar apparantly
director - alejandro inarritu - birdman, babel , etc
revenant - a person who has returned esp from the dead
almost deliberately went in to this one with little knowledge

what i liked -

the scenery - stunning - saw it on a huge screen - the only way
the music - i love a dedicated soundtrack - ryuichi sakamoto
immersion - 2.5 hours spent in 1820's america - brutal
leonardo dicaprio - give him his oscar - hard-earned

what i disliked -

the dialogue - when it was there - frustratingly indiscernible
dohnmnall gleeson - ain't a patch of an actor on his father
the use of modern-day slang at times seemed out of place
repeated extreme incident survival leading to lol moments
revenge - the main game - once had - all good - the end

4.0 / 5