random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Sunday 26 June 2016

giorno 7 - nazzano

sunday - day of rest - relatively - and time to meet the neighbours
nazzano is the closest town to torrita tiberina - a 5 minute drive
also hosting a central castle and views over the tiber river valley
we pull up outside town, find a shady car shelter spot and walk
first stop is a cafe and the now mandatory cafe freddo - chilled
the cafe beckons another couple and unusually - english speaking
they from adelaide on a 6 month house swap with a rome family
we compare notes and experiences and swap recommendations
and end up out-staying the cafe owners as siesta time rolls around
contact details are exchanged and we wander into nazzano proper
it is as quiet as - siesta time is taken seriously here - sunday also
we creep quietly around the single street that cuts through town
there's a central well and fountain that provides welcome relief
the views are outstanding particularly across the valley eastwards
for there we can pick out our own town with the castle profiled
and easy to imagine the same view back in medieval times
there's a clear cobblestoned pathway leading up this castle
we follow the path and conscious of life behind closed doors
a solitary man seen sitting at the highest point of the clocktower
though he not interested in exchanging even nodded greetings
we stand looking at the abandoned and secured main castle
sadly it has been let go so is not welcoming of tourist types
still impressive though and we agree one day it will be restored
we reverse our steps out of this sleeping town and head back home
it's a stinker today - 33 degrees and climbing so shade and fan required
a venture out in the cooler evening to sit with the locals at the bar
down a couple of beers and watch the card competition underway
home for a pasta dinner and afterwards the round town walk
one week down and feeling very comfortable in this place...