random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Friday 5 October 2007

be here now

sometimes it seems a song leaps out of nowhere
gets stuck in the head or just keeps re-appearing
in some way and demands some kind of attention
like a child or a pet or in my case an obsession
first heard this tune on a sampler cd from a magazine subscription
kind of fell into it almost immediately
it got played repeatedly for a period of time
bought the album and overdosed on it
so had to put it and the song away for a while
it then reappeared in the shorts for a film seen recently
away from her
a very natural link between the film and song title
be here now
conceived, written, nurtured and performed by ray lamontagne
i went to see the film in no small part because of this song
but clever marketing people had the better of me
it's not used at all in the film so marketing 1 snoner 0
in the end this is a good thing
for i am mostly a bit wary of the use of songs to sell a story
and the film now lives in my head apart from the song
but the song is back out front demanding attention
so needs a pat on the head and to be sent off again
youtube to the rescue again
this clip is totally unofficial
it's an amateur video using the tune as backing
but the style of the video seems to have been fashioned on the film
here's the tune and the lyrics below
big breath....

don't let your mind get weary and confused
your will be still, don't try
don't let your heart get heavy child
inside you there's a strength that lies

don't let your soul get lonely child
it's only time, it will go by
don't look for love in faces, places
it's in you, that's where you'll find kindness

be here now, here now
be here now, here now

don't lose your faith in me
and I will try not to lose faith in you
don't put your trust in walls
'cause walls will only crush you when they fall

be here now, here now
be here now, here now

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