random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Sunday 28 October 2007


ye olde classic sunday afternoon drive
though in a place not seen on any given sunday
the morning was spent on the tss earnslaw
tss = twin screw steamship
cruising on lake wakatipu from queenstown to walter peak station and back
twas a beautiful day and the lake and mountains were looking stunning
so a decision was made to embark on the drive from queenstown to glenorchy
the road these days is of excellent condition
it skirts around the western side of the lake
cuts inland for a few kilometres
but mostly the lake is usually there to be seen
and occasionally breathtaking views are laid out
as in the one above taken from a lookout at the side of the road
the town of glenorchy is at the very western end of the lake
it's a 45 minute trip from queenstown
the town itself is quite small (pop 200)
but well set up for obvious reasons for the tourist
a few cafes and the local pub offering food and refreshments
though it felt to me to still be the local watering hole
easy to imagine farmers and others gathering from far and wide
also easy to imagine the place on a cold winter's day
howling winds and snow would be common
but on this day it was the beautiful opposite
there's a jetty that goes out a fair distance into the lake
presumably to take supplies and people from queenstown
a great spot to stand and take in the grandeur of it all
before jumping back into the car
and enjoying the return journey
lovely part of the world

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