random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Sunday 24 February 2008

joy division

the film with the same name as the late 70's group
and a documentary tracing the rise and demise of the band
another film titled control has also been on the big screen
it being a full-scale bio-pic with actors filling the parts well
even down to them performing their most recognisable tunes
i actually enjoyed control a lot and had me yearning for more
i will buy the re-mastered cd's in due course i am sure
but for now joy division the documentary is on show
and so on a bleak sunday afternoon off i went to the chauvel
same old story - a handful of people in the theatre
maybe everyone else had already seen the film
or maybe they are not drawn to this serious documentary
in a lot of ways it parallels the control film
with an opening that also describes 1970's manchester
housing estates, decay, the concrete jungle, bleak weather
and lads passing time by drinking or indulging in music
in control a large part of the film was about a torn ian curtis
between his love of his wife and child and his lover from belgium
which does all but suggest this is the makings of love will tear us apart
in joy division the documentary his wife hardly rates a mention
and annik honore his lover has a brief moment on screen
talking about and seemingly still affected by ian curtis and his death
the 3 remaining members of the band are interviewed at length
interspersed with amazing footage of the band on stage
the volume in the theatre cranked up for maximum effect
grant gee the director seems to have had a clear vision
make this film totally authentic and let the music breathe
so that we don't need to be told how good it is
what we don't know too much of is of the personalities involved
bernard sumner comes across as a totally decent person and friend
despairing that back then they just had no idea of their singer's illness
stephen morris is obviously a very shy and gentle man
proving his skills are not oratory but thrashing at a drumkit
but the one that i was really surprised at was peter hook
for whatever reason i always saw him as the reclusive, serious type
but not so - he's a laugh a minute regaling anecdotes of days gone by
including an unbelievable story of him sitting down to sunday lunch with iris
taking the call announcing the death of his singer and presumed friend
then continues with lunch as though nothing has happened
and now laughing uncontrollably about his reaction
i might have missed something but it seemed a bit odd
there are various other interviews with managers, friends and fans
but all brief, to the point and well spaced with the music
there is also a great expose of the album artwork
i walked out of the theatre quite absorbed
felt i'd seen a much more intense film
and still determined to get some cd's
joy division the movie - must see
(if you like the music)