random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Sunday 24 August 2014

venus in fur

a french film - roman polanski director - cannes selection
the film based on a popular play based on a famous book and author
the book - venus in furs (plural) and the author leopold von sacher-masoch
2 actors and 1 setting - sub-titled - hmmm - could be good (or otherwise)
a bit nervous pre-film - the trailer is shown- gulp - maybe in the wrong theatre?
not happy about that - eyes covered - not wanting to see the film summarised
but relief as the film proper starts - definitely a french flick about to be rolled
the opening shot heading up a tree-lined deserted path somewhere in paris
nobody to be seen, a storm overhead - then pushing through theatre doors
the h missing in the name of the theatre - noted - this is a run-down place
a brief shot of vanda (the gorgeous emmanuelle signier) removing her coat
then focus on thomas (equally familiar mathieu amalric) on his mobile
he has not seen vanda enter as he has a whinge to his partner 'honey'
seen over 40 actresses - no-one even close - all bimbos or whores
or so young they have no idea or intelligence to take on the part
he's wanting to bail for the day but vanda is on a mission it seems
she has come across town, hired a costume, is desperate for work
has the same first name as the role so that is a good omen n'est pas?
apart from her striking beauty she seems to thomas unsuited for the part
the tears flow at his rejection to which he weakens to allow an audition
but first she shows technical prowess and adjusts the stage lighting
thomas provides a quick synopsis of the play for vanda (and us too)
the book has themes of female dominance and sexual degradation
the author's name then used to coin the phrase of sado-masochism
thomas offers to read the male part so vanda can then do her audition
and of course she is spell-binding - and knows the words off by heart
with all the necessary nuances - and more - she is critical of the play
so very quickly their dialogue descends into play-reading and argument
and clearly their relationship is seemingly destined for the play's subject
the words coming very quickly and requiring some serious concentration
thankfully the sub-titles are there and quite cleverly shown in different fonts
plain text for thomas and vanda's discussion and italics for the actual play
grateful for that - and wondering how the french coped without sub-titles
vanda really embraces the part - including leathers, dog-collar and boots
thomas falls for her completely and insists on continuing with the reading
a role reversal suggested by vanda - he is now up for anything she wants
the final scenes see him with high heels, dog-collar, lipstick and tied up
vanda then appears  naked under the fur - a sensuous dance follows
and a torrent of abuse about his misoginystic play and she's gone
end of film - me checking the watch - yep - an hour and a half
a sure sign of a good film - completely lost track of time passing
credits rolling - music by alexander desplat - that also appreciated
wiki-checking solves the riddle of where the actors previously seen
the husband and wife in the diving bell and the butterfly - classic
she - emmanuelle signier - also married to roman polanski
he and she done good - very impressed with this film...

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