random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Friday 29 August 2014

kilbey speak

the time being aka steve kilbey speaketh - 

we cannot realise the concept of that we call god
god is much more than our tiny minds can possibly dig
god (as we must call him tho i don't like this term)
communicates with each person in their own self
although he may not be heeded
the evidence of his existence is existence itself
this finely tuned and brilliant earth
god does not authorise persecution and killing in gods name
god authorises only mercy and compassion and knowledge
however this is an obstacle course to negotiate
we will come back time after time as we learn everything we need to know
eventually within eternity it will all become clear
it is gods grace to appear in a personalised form i imagine
as christ as krsna as buddha 
tho the universe that communicated with me
was just sudden warm thoughts as i stood in garudasana and tree pose
the idea of 2 warring deities using humans as pawns is preposterous 
not worthy of consideration
so too the idea of the accidental earth fallen together into perfection by itself
yeah my songs write themselves too
just like the birds singing outside in the rain got here by accident
there is something so wonderfully large and warm out there
we are not alone
throw away your scriptures they are misleading if interpreted literally
god is within us 
our world our humanity has slowly cut us off from feeling this warmth
our schools our wars our money
our hatred and anger screams so loud
it drowns out the warmth in our hearts
the warmth favours no country no man no era
like the sky it is above and beyond taking sides 
the words in books are mens words subject to all mens faults and lies
the warmth in the heart is ineffable 
it does not compose rules or impose punishments
that is a human thing to do 
not for god/warmth
karma exists as does maya as does gravity
all you can do is love and forgive and be honest and kind
look and you will see god everywhere if you want to
let it blow your mind
you are imperishable spirit dressed in temporary flesh

this is the truth as i felt it
this is my truth only
but this truth is the indisputable truth to me

originally posted on thetimebeing

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