random thoughts and comments from nomadic music film and travel junkie - seeks no recognition, claims no expertise

Friday 15 July 2016

giorno 26 - torrita tiberina (casa)

relief at last - the hot sunny days have backed off a bit
today it is cool and cloudy so perfect for just hanging out
not much movement is planned today - and guilt-free too
we're into our 9th week of near constant and happy travel
a day of alternative activities (or not) is the order of this day
for one there's business needing attending and administering
and for the other there are more trips to be planned and booked
first up next week when daughter wants to visit the amalfi coast
followed by another friend and daughter - north italy here we come
back in nz our little touring business has demand for expeditions
requiring a good amount of time for planning and making bookings
all good - enjoyment is the key - and there's no end of that so far
for today we happily park ourselves inside our comfortable home
an agreement that this base has made all the difference on this trip
our last expedition to europe 2 years ago was rewarding but tiring
lugging suitcases over a long period of time no longer an option
so good to have a familiar space at the end of nearly every day
familiar faces in the local shops also a factor - little do they know
as this day passes and work and plans are completed we question
an evening in rome maybe? - within an hour we would be there
na - tomorrow maybe - how about a return to the shopping centre?
yep - there's supplies required and a whole centre to investigate
30 minutes later we are parking the car underneath the centre
up a couple of escalators and now back in familiar territory
to start with at least but then we walk, and walk, and walk
this place is huge, the shops are huge, the prices - not so
we are pleasantly surprised at that - and across the board
clothing in particular seems decently priced so we indulge
consumer electronics also - a multi-level store is inspected
we consider a stop at the food hall but nothing too inviting
even food halls are consistent in shopping centres worldwide
we then return to megastore auchen - food - time to stock up
with so much fun to be had cruising the aisles and counters
picking up the essentials - olives, cheese, prosciutto, bread
the panteria is well inspected - and a tray of goodies created
the drive back is enjoyed with a bag of italian potato chips
at home more food indulgence before a needed early night...

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